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Autor Téma: Test Engineer  (Přečteno 16327 krát)
Hofmann Personal

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 13

« : Duben 13, 2011, 04:33:43 pm »

Test Engineer
Standort: Villach, Österreich

Essential Functions and Duties
•   Mechanical and Electrical start-up and shipping acceptance tests of LAM-Platforms
•   Full responsibility of LAM Spin-Processor start-up / Project Management
•   Structured diagnostic and problem solving during start-up
•   Continuous improvement of our working processes and documentation
•   Handover from development projects to production
•   Active information sharing (e.g. internal training, supplier training)
•   Commitment to quality
•   Degree in electrical engineering
•   IT knowledge (MS-Windows, MS-Office-Products, ...)
•   Software skills appreciated, but not mandatory
•   English skills (written and spoken)
•   Precise and structured working stale, strongly developed sense of duty and quality
•   Willingness to work overtime when required
•   Ability to represent LAM, e.g. during a shipping acceptance
•   Good team working and communication skills
•   High degree of initiative, flexibility and (self-)motivation

Für Rückfragen steht Ihnen Frau Kateryna Golitsyna unter der Rufnummer 
0049 (0) 911 860 955 161 gerne zur Verfügung.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen: Anschreiben (Initiative/gezielt), Lebenslauf, Foto, Zeugnisse) unter:
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