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Autor Téma: "Tanz in den Mai" at Heßstrasse 77, Maxvorstadt, Student residence party - 7pm M  (Přečteno 21379 krát)

Karma: 0
Příspěvků: 32

« : Duben 30, 2007, 08:33:28 am »

Hi all!
Here in Germany the first of may (so the day before is the 30th of april tongue.gif) is really well celebrated. But if you have nothing to do, or if your only idea is to go to check some clubs, try this massive crowded student party in my student house. Last time we did a great party it was for Fasching (carnival) and there were something like 1000 people!!
It starts at 19, also if I don't expect so many people before 21. But hurry up, cause last year (when I didn't already lived there) I tried to step in at 23-24, but there was a too long queue at the entrance.
5 euro to get in and then cocktails and beer at student price! biggrin.gif
You will be pretty drunk at the end... laugh.gif

ah yeah, i was forgetting the address... massmann wohnheim, heßstrasse 77 (near "eat the rich"), close to the theresienstrasse metro station on the u2 or also to a station of the tram 20/21 (don't remember which one)
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